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Smart solutions for mounting reels

Looking for a smart solution to mount reels on machine axis? Look no further. Innovative TAWI tools make lifting reels and placing them on a machine axis easy, effortless and efficient.

  1. Optimal precision with QuickLoad.
  2. Tilt and turn reels to exact position.
  3. Grip reels from core or from the sides.

Efficient and ergonomic mounting of reels


Mounting reels on machine axis? Lift them effortless and put them in place with precision.
Easy and ergonomic with TAWI lifters.

Precise reel handling

Mounting reels on a machine axis requires perfect precision. TAWI Lifting Trolleys offer tools that do the job for you. Choose between tools that grip the reel from the core or from the sides, depending on your needs. The QuickLoad function automatically stops the lifter at exactly the right height, making it easy to push the reel on to the axis. A roller boom safely holds the reel until the boom hits the machine axis. Small cylinders on the boom lets you push the reel onto the axis with minimal effort.

At SCA in Sweden, TAWI lifters are used to mount reels on machine axis every day. Read more about their experience here.

Easy and ergonomic lifting

TAWI reel lifters enable anyone to lift reels weighing up to 250 kg safe and ergonomic. Tall, tilted handles ensure an ergonomic working position for anyone operating the trolley, regardless how tall they are. High quality wheels make sure the trolley is easy to push and turn. A user-friendly hand control lets the operator control the load without letting go of the trolley. Lifting and mounting reels with a TAWI lifter is effortless, ergonomic and very easy.

Specific requirements

Working in an ATEX or cleanroom environment? Or limited by other restrictions? In addition to a standard selection of stainless-steel models, we provide customized solutions to meet specific industry requirements. We modify tools to fit your industry and your business.

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